Air Humidification in Buildings
Air Humidification in Offices
Traditional office buildings deal with air exchange through air conditioning. There is rarely natural ventilation. Some high-rise buildings don’t even allow open windows. The premises are heated in the winter and air-conditioned in the summer. All this leads to very dry air that causes problems for asthma sufferers and leads to headaches. Employees are more prone to respiratory diseases due to dry upper respiratory tracts. In dry air dust accumulates and static electricity increases. This can contribute to shortening the company computers and notebooks.
Most people notice dry air indoors, especially in winter. However, this problem also arises in the summer. Uninsulated buildings or buildings with too many windows that are heated up intensively during the summer lose humidity in the interior. Air conditioning doesn’t solve this problem since it only cools the space but doesn’t provide it with sufficient humidity.
What is the ideal relative humidity, that is the amount of water vapor in the air? In summer it should be between 30-45%, and in winter around 40%.
- Humidifying the air with dry fog will help to quickly establish the optimal relative humidity in space, whether it is closed offices or open spaces.
- IKEUCHI industrial space nozzles use the principle of adiabatic humidification where miniature water drops evaporate while still in the air and never fall on the surface. This helps to slightly decrease the temperature by 2 to 3°C. You will appreciate it, especially in the summer.
- The system automatically monitors the temperature and humidity in the space and adjusts it as needed.
- The industrial humidification system can be connected to already existing air conditioning systems.
- Dry fog humidification has low operating costs and is almost maintenance-free when using distilled water.