Humidification in Web Offset Rotary Printing

What problems do you face in rotary printing? Production slowdown due to misfeeds, paper jams in conveyors, static electricity, and dry paper.

Solution: industrial humidification systems

Low air humidity negatively affects printing equipment and increases the error rate and machine downtime. The level of static electricity increases especially during winter, leading to poorer product quality, misalignment, paper jams, double feeding, dust adhesion, and even the risk of fire. You can avoid these problems by adding spot industrial humidification near the printing machine. Industrial humidification will reduce static electricity and help to keep constant product quality. The IKEUCHI industrial humidification system sprays dry fog, that doesn’t wet the equipment.


AKIMist®E dry fog sprayer. Due to the miniature diameter of the water droplets, dry fog doesn’t wet objects and the environment. When using demineralized water and clean compressed air, the need for maintenance is eliminated. The system is easy to install and has low operating costs.  


  • Machine downtime will be reduced to 1/10.
  • Higher print speed.
  • Fewer paper jams.
  • Reduction of paper waste.
  • Increasing the accuracy of folding.
  • Increase productivity by 10%.
  • Cost savings due to lower error rate and reduced number of operational shutdowns.
  • Year-round constant humidity (set according to your preferences).