Dry Fog Disinfection

Many patients are infected with hospital-acquired bacteria, or viruses during hospitalization. The number of microorganisms resistant to antibiotics is increasing as well as the average age of patients. Global migration and climate warming are bringing to the Central European region infections and diseases that once existed exclusively in other world zones.

solution: Dry fog disinfection

Systematic preventive measures in medical and healthcare facilities will help to improve the situation. Hospital-acquired bacteria or viruses result in increased health risks for patients and also generate higher costs for hospitals and health insurance companies. Your initial costs for the implementation of hygiene and disinfection measures will quickly return in the form of reduced costs for the treatment of hospital-acquired diseases. Our solution offers surface disinfection of premises with dry fog. An industrial sprayer distributes microscopic droplets, smaller than 10μm, called “dry fog”. Droplets of dry fog are so small, that they allow air humidification without wetting the environment and objects in it. Unlike electrostatic nebulizers, there is no damage to sensitive medical devices. Dry fog sprayers can be used without any fear in any environment – from an office to a warehouse. Dry fog will not damage or wet machines, electronics, or paper.

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Akimist® - mobile Disinfection unit - dryfog

AKIMist® Mobile Disinfection Unit sprays dry fog that reliably humidifies the air but doesn’t condensate on the walls and floor. It can maintain a stable humidity level between 60 – 65% RH. It is an easy-to-use device with a pressurized water tank ready for immediate use. The water tank can be filled with the disinfectant of your choice. You can choose between one or two adjustable nozzles. One nozzle can humidify 100m3. AKIMist® Mobile Disinfection Unit is used in various hospitals poliklinikách (I. Neurological Clinic in BratislavaNovamed Polyclinic Banská Bystrica).

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  • Effective disinfection of premises prevents infection by viruses and bacteria.
  • Reduction in the number of infectious diseases.
  • Reduction of costs for treatment of resistant infections.
  • Reduction of sick leaves of hospital staff due to a healthier environment.
  • Easy operations and maintenance.

Check how AKIMist® Mobile Disinfection Unit is used to disinfect hospital premises.

Source on the increase of resistant bacteria and viruses: 


